Wednesday, October 25, 2006

NAnt 0.85 and active version of .NET Framework

By default, NAnt 0.85 (at least, RC4 I'm using) have .NET 2.0 Framework as active while running build scripts. And sometimes it's necessary to compile assembly (say, with <csc> task) for .NET 1.1 Framework. The info on how to change active .NET Framework is in the NAnt documentation, but some digging required to find it.

So here is a solution:

  <property name="nant.settings.currentframework" value="net-1.1" />

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Sunday, October 22, 2006

DIV stays empty after innerHTML assignment in Internet Explorer 6.0

I guess I'm not the first one who run into it, but I did not found a solution in the google.  So here is the problem and my solution...

There is an empty DIV, which is located in hidden outer DIV ('display' is 'none'). On some event (say, click) - outer DIV became visible, and innerDIV.innerHTML assigned to some string. It works perfectly for FF, but in IE the inner DIV stays empty. Nevertheless, Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar shows that DIV content was changed and visible.

This is how it looks like in simplified code:

    <div id='outer'><div id='inner'></div></div>

JavaScript (with Prototype library 1.5.0_rc0):'outer');
    $('inner').innerHTML = 'foo';

For the inner DIV I assigned style with height:100%, and it helped.

  height: 100%;

Note: Somehow I cannot reproduce the problem with some simple test, so maybe I missed something.

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Wix 3.0: "tallow.exe" gone...

I decided to try WiX 3.0 (3.0.2128.0) for my current project.  And here is a first issue (with help file) I run into:
I needed to generate information about files to install. It appears that WiX 2.0 contained an utility named "tallow.exe" to enumerate a directory and generate WiX Fragment for it. But the installed version of WiX doesn't have the utility.
I did some searches, but without success - everyone referencing to "tallow.exe". I started to examine all executables in bin directory, and finally found exactly what I need - "heat.exe" utility.
So... it appears "tallow.exe" was superseded by "heat.exe". Also "heat.exe" can generate fragments about a website, but I did not tried that one.
Here is a command line to generate a WiX fragment with files information:

C:\Program Files\Windows Installer XML v3\bin>heat.exe dir D:\src\bin\ -out c:\files.wxs

I guess it will be in WiX documentation soon, but not yet...

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